On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 6:32 AM Craig Ringer
<craig.rin...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> IIRC the restart_lsn horizon already ensures that we can't miss the 
> xl_xact_assignment at the start of a txn. We would ensure that the desired 
> info is available throughout decoding of the txn, including at commit record 
> processing time, by adding it to the toplevel ReorderBufferTxn.
> The only advantage I can see to annotating the commit record instead is that 
> we don't have to spend a few bytes per reorder-buffered topxid to track this 
> info between start of decoding for the tx and processing of the commit 
> record. I don't think that's worth caring about.The advantages that having it 
> earlier would give us are much more significant.
> A few examples:
> * Skip reorder buffering of non-target transactions early, so we can decode 
> the WAL stream to find the target transactions much faster using less memory 
> and I/O;
> * Read the database change stream and use the session info to stream info 
> into an intrusion detection system and/or audit engine in real time, using 
> txn streaming to avoid the need to create huge reorder buffers;
> * Re-decode the WAL stream to identify a target txn you know was aborted, and 
> commit it instead, so you can recover data from aborted txns from the WAL 
> stream using logical decoding. (Only possible if the catalog_xmin hasn't 
> advanced past that point already though)
> So yeah. I think it'd be better to log the info you want at start-of-txn 
> unless there's a compelling reason not so, and I don't see one yet.

AFAIK, XLOG_XACT_ASSIGNMENT does not occur for normal top-level
transactions, only for subxids.

I don't really want to add an extra record just for this because it
will slow down applications and it won't get turned on as often.


Simon Riggs                http://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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