pá 4. 6. 2021 v 11:17 odesílatel Joel Jacobson <j...@compiler.org> napsal:

> On Fri, Jun 4, 2021, at 08:58, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> It is the same as using the command line without the possibility to
> customize the PATH variable. The advantages and disadvantages are exactly
> the same.
> The reason why we even have PATH in the *nix world,
> is not because they *wanted* to separate things (like we want with schemas
> or extensions),
> but because they *needed* to, because /bin was overflowed:
> "The UNIX shell gave up the Multics idea of a search path and looked for
> program names that weren’t
> file names in just one place, /bin. Then in v3 /bin overflowed the small
> (256K), fast fixed-head drive.
> Thus was /usr/bin born, and the idea of a search path reinstated." [1]
> [1] https://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~doug/reader.pdf
It's funny - sometimes too restrictive limits are reason for design of
longer living concepts



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