Hi I think I just found a bug in logical replication. Data couldn't be synchronized while updating toast data. Could anyone take a look at it?
Here is the steps to proceduce the BUG: ------publisher------ CREATE TABLE toasted_key ( id serial, toasted_key text PRIMARY KEY, toasted_col1 text, toasted_col2 text ); CREATE PUBLICATION pub FOR TABLE toasted_key; ------subscriber------ CREATE TABLE toasted_key ( id serial, toasted_key text PRIMARY KEY, toasted_col1 text, toasted_col2 text ); CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub CONNECTION 'dbname=postgres' PUBLICATION pub; ------publisher------ ALTER TABLE toasted_key ALTER COLUMN toasted_key SET STORAGE EXTERNAL; ALTER TABLE toasted_key ALTER COLUMN toasted_col1 SET STORAGE EXTERNAL; INSERT INTO toasted_key(toasted_key, toasted_col1) VALUES(repeat('1234567890', 200), repeat('9876543210', 200)); UPDATE toasted_key SET toasted_col2 = toasted_col1; ------subscriber------ SELECT count(*) FROM toasted_key WHERE toasted_col2 = toasted_col1; The above command is supposed to output "count = 1" but in fact it outputs "count = 0" which means UPDATE operation failed at the subscriber. Right? I debugged and found the subscriber could receive message from publisher, and in apply_handle_update_internal function, it invoked FindReplTupleInLocalRel function but failed to find a tuple. FYI, I also tested DELETE operation(DELETE FROM toasted_key;), which also invoked FindReplTupleInLocalRel function, and the result is ok. Regards Tang