Magnus Hagander <> writes:
> On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 12:55 PM Aleksander Alekseev
> <> wrote:
>> Back in 2016 while being at PostgresPro I developed the ZSON extension [1]. 
>> The extension introduces the new ZSON type, which is 100% compatible with 
>> JSONB but uses a shared dictionary of strings most frequently used in given 
>> JSONB documents for compression.

> If the extension is mature enough, why make it an extension in
> contrib, and not instead either enhance the existing jsonb type with
> it or make it a built-in type?

IMO we have too d*mn many JSON types already.  If we can find a way
to shoehorn this optimization into JSONB, that'd be great.  Otherwise
I do not think it's worth the added user confusion.

Also, even if ZSON was "100% compatible with JSONB" back in 2016,
a whole lot of features have been added since then.  Having to
duplicate all that code again for a different data type is not
something I want to see us doing.  So that's an independent reason
for wanting to hide this under the existing type not make a new one.

                        regards, tom lane

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