Hi David, Alvaro, -hackers 

> Hi David,
> You're probably aware of this, but just to make it explicit: Jakub Wartak was
> testing performance of recovery, and one of the bottlenecks he found in
> some of his cases was dynahash as used by SMgr.  It seems quite possible
> that this work would benefit some of his test workloads.

I might be a little bit out of the loop, but as Alvaro stated - Thomas did 
plenty of excellent job related to recovery performance in that thread. In my 
humble opinion and if I'm not mistaken (I'm speculating here) it might be *not* 
how Smgr hash works, but how often it is being exercised and that would also 
explain relatively lower than expected(?) gains here. There are at least two 
very important emails from him that I'm aware that are touching the topic of 
reordering/compacting/batching calls to Smgr:

Another potential option that we've discussed is that the redo generation 
itself is likely a brake of efficient recovery performance today (e.g. 
INSERT-SELECT on table with indexes, generates interleaved WAL records that 
touch often limited set of blocks that usually put Smgr into spotlight).

-Jakub Wartak.

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