On 2021-Apr-07, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> b) as it stands pgaTester.pm can't be used for multiple versions in a
> single program, which is a design goal here - it sets the single class
> to invoke in its BEGIN block. At the very least we would need to replace
> that with code which would require the relevant class as needed.

I'm not suggesting that we adopt pgaTester.pm!  I think a real patch for
this approach involves moving that stuff into PostgresNode::new itself,
as I said upthread: if install_path is given, call pg_config --version
and then parse the version number into a class name $versionclass, then
"bless $versionclass, $self".  So the object returned by
PostgresNode::new already has the correct class.  We don't need to
require anything, since all classes are in the same PostgresNode.pm

Álvaro Herrera       Valdivia, Chile
"This is what I like so much about PostgreSQL.  Most of the surprises
are of the "oh wow!  That's cool" Not the "oh shit!" kind.  :)"
Scott Marlowe, http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-admin/2008-10/msg00152.php

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