On 2021/03/19 18:27, Fujii Masao wrote:

On 2021/03/19 15:06, shinya11.k...@nttdata.com wrote:
But 0 value maybe looks strange, so in current version I show it like >below:
Type N (%) Record size (%) FPI size (%) Combined size (%)
---- - --- ----------- --- -------- --- ------------- --- ...
XLOG/SWITCH_JUNK - ( -) 11006248 ( 72.26) - ( -) 11006248 ( 65.78)
Transaction/COMMIT 10 ( 0.03) 340 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 340 ( 0.00)

I just wanted to know why the "count" and "fpi_len" fields 0 are.
So, it would be nice to have 0 values. Sorry for confusing you.

Kato, it's not clear to me if you were asking for - to be changed back to 0?

You marked the patch as Ready for Committer so I assume not, but it would be
better to say clearly that you think this patch is ready for a committer to 
look at.

Yes, I don't think it needs to be changed back to 0.
I think this patch is ready for a committer to look at.

What's the use case of this feature? I read through this thread briefly,
but I'm still not sure how useful this feature is.

Horiguchi-san reported one issue upthread; --stats=record shows
two lines for Transaction/COMMIT record. Probably this should be
fixed separately.

Do you have updated version of that bug-fix patch?
Or you started another thread for that issue?

I confirmed that only XACT records need to be processed differently.
So the patch that Horiguchi-san posted upthread looks good and enough
to me. I added a bit more detail information into the comment in the patch.
Attached is the updated version of the patch. Since this issue looks like
a bug, I'm thinking to back-patch that. Thought?

Barring any objection, I will commit this.


Fujii Masao
Advanced Computing Technology Center
Research and Development Headquarters
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_waldump/pg_waldump.c b/src/bin/pg_waldump/pg_waldump.c
index 610f65e471..4e90d82c7d 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_waldump/pg_waldump.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_waldump/pg_waldump.c
@@ -438,6 +438,15 @@ XLogDumpCountRecord(XLogDumpConfig *config, XLogDumpStats 
        recid = XLogRecGetInfo(record) >> 4;
+       /*
+        * XACT records need to be handled differently. Those records use the
+        * first bit of thoes four bits for an optional flag variable and the
+        * following three bits for the opcode. We filter opcode out of xl_info
+        * and use it as the identifier of the record.
+        */
+       if (rmid == RM_XACT_ID)
+               recid &= 0x07;
        stats->record_stats[rmid][recid].rec_len += rec_len;
        stats->record_stats[rmid][recid].fpi_len += fpi_len;

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