On 04/03/2021 22:04, Tom Lane wrote:
Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> writes:
I concur that 0001 attached is committable.  I have not looked at
your 0002, though.

Removed the entry from nls.mk, and pushed 0001. Thanks!

It seems that buildfarm member walleye doesn't like this.
Since nothing else is complaining, I confess bafflement
as to why.  walleye seems to be our only active mingw animal,
so maybe there's a platform dependency somewhere ... but
how would (mostly) removal of code expose that?

Strange indeed. The commands that are crashing seem far detached from any FE/BE protocol handling, and I don't see any other pattern either:

2021-03-04 05:08:45.953 EST [4080:94] DETAIL: Failed process was running: copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;

2021-03-04 05:09:22.690 EST [4080:100] DETAIL: Failed process was running: CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY concur_index7 ON concur_heap(f1);

2021-03-04 05:09:33.546 EST [4080:106] DETAIL: Failed process was running: ANALYZE vaccluster;

2021-03-04 05:09:42.452 EST [4080:112] DETAIL: Failed process was running: FETCH BACKWARD 1 FROM foo24;

2021-03-04 05:10:06.874 EST [4080:118] DETAIL: Failed process was running: REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY mvtest_tvmm;

2021-03-04 05:12:23.890 EST [4080:125] DETAIL: Failed process was running: CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_testsub CONNECTION 'testconn' PUBLICATION testpub;

2021-03-04 05:15:46.421 EST [4080:297] DETAIL: Failed process was running: INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (3, '<wrong');

Dare I suggest a compiler bug? gcc 8.1 isn't the fully up-to-date, although I don't know if there's a newer gcc available on this platform. Joseph, any chance we could see a backtrace or some other details from those crashes?

'drongo' just reported linker errors:

postgres.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol GetOldFunctionMessage [c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj] postgres.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol errfunction [c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj] postgres.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol pq_getstring [c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj] postgres.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol pq_putbytes [c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj] Release/postgres/postgres.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals [c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj] Done Building Project "c:\\prog\\bf\\root\\HEAD\\pgsql.build\\postgres.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.

Looks like it wasn't a clean build, those functions and all the callers were removed by the patch. That's a separate issue than on 'walleye' - unless that was also not a completely clean build?

- Heikki

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