On 2021-Mar-04, Ibrar Ahmed wrote:

> The build is failing for this patch, can you please take a look at this?
> https://cirrus-ci.com/task/4568547922804736
> https://ci.appveyor.com/project/postgresql-cfbot/postgresql/build/1.0.129221
> I am marking the patch "Waiting on Author"

I don't know why you chose to respond to such an old message, but here's
a rebase which also includes the workaround I suggested last night for
the problem of the outdated query printed by error messages, as well as
Justin's suggested fixes.  (I also made a few tweaks to the TAP test).

Álvaro Herrera       Valdivia, Chile
"No renuncies a nada. No te aferres a nada."

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