On 2021-Feb-23, Masahiko Sawada wrote:

> I've looked at the v3 patch and it looks good to me. A minor comment is:
> +           /* Catalog tables need to consider all backends. */
> +           h->catalog_oldest_nonremovable =
> +               TransactionIdOlder(h->catalog_oldest_nonremovable, xmin);
> +
> I think that the above comment is not accurate since we consider only
> backends on the same database in some cases.

You're right.  Adjusted.

> the patch makes the following change:
> @@ -1847,7 +1871,6 @@ ComputeXidHorizons(ComputeXidHorizonsResult *h)
>     h->shared_oldest_nonremovable =
>         TransactionIdOlder(h->shared_oldest_nonremovable,
>                            h->slot_catalog_xmin);
> -   h->catalog_oldest_nonremovable = h->data_oldest_nonremovable;
>     h->catalog_oldest_nonremovable =
>         TransactionIdOlder(h->catalog_oldest_nonremovable,
>                            h->slot_catalog_xmin);
> In the original code, catalog_oldest_nonremovable is initialized with
> data_oldest_nonremovable that considered slot_xmin. Therefore, IIUC
> catalog_oldest_nonremovable is the oldest transaction id among
> data_oldest_nonremovable, slot_xmin, and slot_catalog_xmin. But with
> the patch, catalog_oldest_nonremovable doesn't consider slot_xmin. It
> seems okay to me as catalog_oldest_nonremovable is interested in only
> slot_catalog_xmin.

I tend to agree -- it seems safe to ignore slot_xmin in that case.
However, tracing through the maze of xmin vs. catalog_xmin transmission
across the whole system is not trivial.  I changed the patch so that we
adjust to slot_xmin first, then to slot_catalog_xmin.  I *think* the end
effect should be the same.  But if we want to make that claim to save
that one assignment, we can make it in a separate commit.  However,
given that this comparison and assignment is outside the locked area, I
don't think it's worth bothering with.

Thanks for the input!  I have pushed this patch.

Álvaro Herrera       Valdivia, Chile
"El sentido de las cosas no viene de las cosas, sino de
las inteligencias que las aplican a sus problemas diarios
en busca del progreso." (Ernesto Hernández-Novich)

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