On 2/4/21 1:49 AM, Zhihong Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> For 0007-Remove-the-special-batch-mode-use-a-larger--20210203.patch :
> +       /* same as preceding value, so store it */
> +       if (compare_values(&range->values[start + i - 1],
> +                          &range->values[start + i],
> +                          (void *) &cxt) == 0)
> +           continue;
> +
> +       range->values[start + n] = range->values[start + i];
> It seems the comment doesn't match the code: the value is stored when
> subsequent value is different from the previous.

Yeah, you're right the comment is wrong - the code is doing exactly the
opposite. I'll need to go through this more carefully.

> For has_matching_range():
> +       int     midpoint = (start + end) / 2;
> I think the standard notion for midpoint is start + (end-start)/2.
> +       /* this means we ran out of ranges in the last step */
> +       if (start > end)
> +           return false;
> It seems the above should be ahead of computation of midpoint.

Not sure why would that be an issue, as we're not using the value and
the values are just plain integers (so no overflows ...).


Tomas Vondra
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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