Hello hackers,
When I do PITR in a strange step, I get this FATAL:
2021-01-15 15:02:52.364 CST [14958] FATAL:  hot standby is not possible because 
wal_level was not set to "replica" or higher on the primary server2021-01-15 
15:02:52.364 CST [14958] HINT:  Either set wal_level to "replica" on the 
primary, or turn off hot_standby here.
The strange step is that I change wal_level to minimal after basebackup.
My question is that what's the mean of  [set wal_level to "replica" on the 
primary] inHINT describe, I can't think over a case to solve this FATAL by set 
wal_level, I cansolve it by turn off hot_standby only.
Do you think we can do this code change?--- 
a/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c+++ b/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c@@ 
-6300,7 +6300,7 @@ CheckRequiredParameterValues(void)          if 
(ControlFile->wal_level < WAL_LEVEL_REPLICA)                         
ereport(ERROR,                                  (errmsg("hot standby is not 
possible because wal_level was not set to \"replica\" or higher on the primary 
server"),-                                    errhint("Either set wal_level to 
\"replica\" on the primary, or turn off hot_standby here.")));+                 
                       errhint("You should turn off hot_standby here.")));

---Regards,Highgo Software (Canada/China/Pakistan) URL : www.highgo.ca EMAIL: 

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