
We found problem that a huge amount of memory was consumed when
we created a foreign key on a partitioned table including a lots partitions
and accessed them, as discussed in [1].  Kuroda-san's idea proposed in
this thread is reducing cached SPI plans by combining several plans into one.
But we are also considering another option to solve this problem, which
makes users to release cached SPI plans for referential integrity as well as
plain cached plans with DISCARD ALL.  To do that, we added a new
function, RI_DropAllPreparedPlan() which deletes all plans from
ri_query_cache and
modified DISCARD ALL to execute that function.

I tested using a test case yamada-san attached in [2] as follows:
=# SELECT name, sum(used_bytes) as bytes,
pg_size_pretty(sum(used_bytes)) FROM pg_backend_memory_contexts WHERE
name LIKE 'Cached%' GROUP BY name;
       name       |   bytes   | pg_size_pretty
 CachedPlanQuery  |   1326280 | 1295 kB
 CachedPlanSource |   1474616 | 1440 kB
 CachedPlan       | 744009168 | 710 MB
(3 rows)


=# SELECT name, sum(used_bytes) as bytes,
pg_size_pretty(sum(used_bytes)) FROM pg_backend_memory_contexts WHERE
name LIKE 'Cached%' GROUP BY name;
       name       | bytes | pg_size_pretty
 CachedPlanQuery  | 10280 | 10 kB
 CachedPlanSource | 14616 | 14 kB
 CachedPlan       | 13168 | 13 kB
(3 rows)

In addition to that, a following case would be solved with this approach:
When many processes are referencing many tables defined foreign key
constraints thoroughly, a huge amount of memory will be consumed
regardless of whether referenced tables are partitioned or not.

Attached the patch.  Any thoughts?


Best regards,
Yuzuko Hosoya
NTT Open Source Software Center

Attachment: v1_discard_ri_spi_plans.patch
Description: Binary data

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