On 1/8/21 1:14 AM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> On 1/8/21 12:52 AM, Tatsuro Yamada wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2021/01/08 0:56, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>>> On 1/7/21 3:47 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>>>> On 2021-Jan-07, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>>>>> On 1/7/21 1:46 AM, Tatsuro Yamada wrote:
>>>>>> I overlooked the check for MCV in the logic building query
>>>>>> because I created the patch as a new feature on PG14.
>>>>>> I'm not sure whether we should do back patch or not. However, I'll
>>>>>> add the check on the next patch because it is useful if you decide to
>>>>>> do the back patch on PG10, 11, 12, and 13.
>>>>> BTW perhaps a quick look at the other \d commands would show if
>>>>> there are
>>>>> precedents. I didn't have time for that.
>>>> Yes, we do promise that new psql works with older servers.
>>> Yeah, makes sense. That means we need add the check for 12 / MCV.
>> Ah, I got it.
>> I fixed the patch to work with older servers to add the checking
>> versions. And I tested \dX command on older servers (PG10 - 13).
>> These results look fine.
>> 0001:
>>       Added the check code to handle pre-PG12. It has not MCV and
>>        pg_statistic_ext_data.
>> 0002:
>>       This patch is the same as the previous patch (not changed).
>> Please find the attached files.
> OK, thanks. I'll take a look and probably push tomorrow. FWIW I plan to
> squash the patches into a single commit.

Attached is a patch I plan to commit - 0001 is the last submitted
version with a couple minor tweaks, mostly in docs/comments, and small
rework of branching to be more like the other functions in describe.c.

While working on that, I realized that 'defined' might be a bit
ambiguous, I initially thought it means 'NOT NULL' (which it does not).
I propose to change it to 'requested' instead. Tatsuro, do you agree, or
do you think 'defined' is better?


Tomas Vondra
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
>From 3d2f4ef2ecba9fd7987df665237add6fc4ec03c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tatsuro Yamada <yamatat...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 14:28:20 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] psql \dX: list extended statistics objects

The new command lists extended statistics objects, possibly with their
sizes. All past releases with extended statistics are supported.

Author: Tatsuro Yamada
Reviewed-by: Julien Rouhaud, Alvaro Herrera, Tomas Vondra
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/c027a541-5856-75a5-0868-341301e1624b%40nttcom.co.jp_1
 doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml          |  14 +++
 src/bin/psql/command.c                  |   3 +
 src/bin/psql/describe.c                 | 150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/bin/psql/describe.h                 |   3 +
 src/bin/psql/help.c                     |   1 +
 src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c             |   4 +-
 src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out |  94 +++++++++++++++
 src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql      |  31 +++++
 8 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml
index 221a967bfe..d01acc92b8 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml
@@ -1918,6 +1918,20 @@ testdb=&gt;
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><literal>\dX [ <link linkend="app-psql-patterns"><replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable></link> ]</literal></term>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+        Lists extended statistics.
+        If <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable>
+        is specified, only those extended statistics whose names match the
+        pattern are listed.
+        If <literal>+</literal> is appended to the command name, each extended
+        statistics is listed with its size.
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
         <term><literal>\dy[+] [ <link linkend="app-psql-patterns"><replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable></link> ]</literal></term>
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/command.c b/src/bin/psql/command.c
index 303e7c3ad8..c5ebc1c3f4 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/command.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/command.c
@@ -928,6 +928,9 @@ exec_command_d(PsqlScanState scan_state, bool active_branch, const char *cmd)
 					success = listExtensions(pattern);
+			case 'X':			/* Extended Statistics */
+				success = listExtendedStats(pattern, show_verbose);
+				break;
 			case 'y':			/* Event Triggers */
 				success = listEventTriggers(pattern, show_verbose);
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/describe.c b/src/bin/psql/describe.c
index caf97563f4..46f54199fb 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/describe.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/describe.c
@@ -4392,6 +4392,156 @@ listEventTriggers(const char *pattern, bool verbose)
 	return true;
+ * \dX
+ *
+ * Describes extended statistics.
+ */
+listExtendedStats(const char *pattern, bool verbose)
+	PQExpBufferData buf;
+	PGresult   *res;
+	printQueryOpt myopt = pset.popt;
+	if (pset.sversion < 100000)
+	{
+		char		sverbuf[32];
+		pg_log_error("The server (version %s) does not support extended statistics.",
+					 formatPGVersionNumber(pset.sversion, false,
+										   sverbuf, sizeof(sverbuf)));
+		return true;
+	}
+	initPQExpBuffer(&buf);
+	printfPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+					  "SELECT \n"
+					  "es.stxnamespace::pg_catalog.regnamespace::text AS \"%s\", \n"
+					  "es.stxname AS \"%s\", \n"
+					  "pg_catalog.format('%%s FROM %%s', \n"
+					  "  (SELECT pg_catalog.string_agg(pg_catalog.quote_ident(a.attname),', ') \n"
+					  "   FROM pg_catalog.unnest(es.stxkeys) s(attnum) \n"
+					  "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a \n"
+					  "   ON (es.stxrelid = a.attrelid \n"
+					  "   AND a.attnum = s.attnum \n"
+					  "   AND NOT a.attisdropped)), \n"
+					  "es.stxrelid::regclass) AS \"%s\"",
+					  gettext_noop("Schema"),
+					  gettext_noop("Name"),
+					  gettext_noop("Definition"));
+	/*
+	 * Since 12 there are two catalogs - one for the definition, one for the
+	 * data built by ANALYZE. Older releases use a single catalog. Also, 12
+	 * adds the MCV statistics kind.
+	 */
+	if (pset.sversion < 120000)
+	{
+		appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+						  ",\nCASE WHEN es.stxndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+						  "CASE WHEN es.stxdependencies IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "END AS \"%s\"",
+						  gettext_noop("Ndistinct"),
+						  gettext_noop("Dependencies"));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+						  ",\nCASE WHEN esd.stxdndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+						  "CASE WHEN esd.stxddependencies IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+						  "CASE WHEN esd.stxdmcv IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'm' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "END AS \"%s\"",
+						  gettext_noop("Ndistinct"),
+						  gettext_noop("Dependencies"),
+						  gettext_noop("MCV"));
+	}
+	/* In verbose mode, print sizes of the extended statistics objects. */
+	if (verbose)
+	{
+		if (pset.sversion < 120000)
+		{
+			appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+							  ",\nCASE WHEN es.stxndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN \n"
+							  "          pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.length(es.stxndistinct)::bigint) \n"
+							  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN '0 bytes' \n"
+							  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+							  "CASE WHEN es.stxdependencies IS NOT NULL THEN \n"
+							  "          pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.length(es.stxdependencies)::bigint) \n"
+							  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN '0 bytes' \n"
+							  "END AS \"%s\"",
+							  gettext_noop("Ndistinct_size"),
+							  gettext_noop("Dependencies_size"));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
+							  ",\nCASE WHEN esd.stxdndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN \n"
+							  "          pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.length(esd.stxdndistinct)::bigint) \n"
+							  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN '0 bytes' \n"
+							  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+							  "CASE WHEN esd.stxddependencies IS NOT NULL THEN \n"
+							  "          pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.length(esd.stxddependencies)::bigint) \n"
+							  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN '0 bytes' \n"
+							  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
+							  "CASE WHEN esd.stxdmcv IS NOT NULL THEN \n"
+							  "          pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.length(esd.stxdmcv)::bigint) \n"
+							  "     WHEN 'm' = any(es.stxkind) THEN '0 bytes' \n"
+							  "END AS \"%s\"",
+							  gettext_noop("Ndistinct_size"),
+							  gettext_noop("Dependencies_size"),
+							  gettext_noop("MCV_size"));
+		}
+	}
+	if (pset.sversion < 120000)
+	{
+		appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf,
+							 " \nFROM pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext es \n"
+							 "INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c \n"
+							 "ON es.stxrelid = c.oid \n");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf,
+							 " \nFROM pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext es \n"
+							 "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data esd \n"
+							 "ON es.oid = esd.stxoid \n"
+							 "INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c \n"
+							 "ON es.stxrelid = c.oid \n");
+	}
+	processSQLNamePattern(pset.db, &buf, pattern, false,
+						  false, NULL,
+						  "stxname", NULL,
+						  NULL);
+	appendPQExpBufferStr(&buf, "ORDER BY 1, 2;");
+	res = PSQLexec(buf.data);
+	termPQExpBuffer(&buf);
+	if (!res)
+		return false;
+	myopt.nullPrint = NULL;
+	myopt.title = _("List of extended statistics");
+	myopt.translate_header = true;
+	printQuery(res, &myopt, pset.queryFout, false, pset.logfile);
+	PQclear(res);
+	return true;
  * \dC
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/describe.h b/src/bin/psql/describe.h
index 6044e3a082..867e57d851 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/describe.h
+++ b/src/bin/psql/describe.h
@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ extern bool listExtensions(const char *pattern);
 /* \dx+ */
 extern bool listExtensionContents(const char *pattern);
+/* \dX */
+extern bool listExtendedStats(const char *pattern, bool verbose);
 /* \dy */
 extern bool listEventTriggers(const char *pattern, bool verbose);
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/help.c b/src/bin/psql/help.c
index 9ec1c4e810..e42bc8c54e 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/help.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/help.c
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ slashUsage(unsigned short int pager)
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\du[S+] [PATTERN]      list roles\n"));
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\dv[S+] [PATTERN]      list views\n"));
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\dx[+]  [PATTERN]      list extensions\n"));
+	fprintf(output, _("  \\dX[+]  [PATTERN]      list extended statistics\n"));
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\dy     [PATTERN]      list event triggers\n"));
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\l[+]   [PATTERN]      list databases\n"));
 	fprintf(output, _("  \\sf[+]  FUNCNAME       show a function's definition\n"));
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
index 9dcab0d2fa..611f1efb15 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
 		"\\dF", "\\dFd", "\\dFp", "\\dFt", "\\dg", "\\di", "\\dl", "\\dL",
 		"\\dm", "\\dn", "\\do", "\\dO", "\\dp", "\\dP", "\\dPi", "\\dPt",
 		"\\drds", "\\dRs", "\\dRp", "\\ds", "\\dS",
-		"\\dt", "\\dT", "\\dv", "\\du", "\\dx", "\\dy",
+		"\\dt", "\\dT", "\\dv", "\\du", "\\dx", "\\dX", "\\dy",
 		"\\e", "\\echo", "\\ef", "\\elif", "\\else", "\\encoding",
 		"\\endif", "\\errverbose", "\\ev",
@@ -3910,6 +3910,8 @@ psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
 		COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_views, NULL);
 	else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dx*"))
+	else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dX*"))
+		COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_statistics, NULL);
 	else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dm*"))
 		COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_matviews, NULL);
 	else if (TailMatchesCS("\\dE*"))
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
index 7bfeaf85f0..8c8a0afcf6 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
@@ -1725,6 +1725,100 @@ INSERT INTO tststats.priv_test_tbl
 CREATE STATISTICS tststats.priv_test_stats (mcv) ON a, b
   FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl;
 ANALYZE tststats.priv_test_tbl;
+-- Check printing info about extended statistics by \dX
+create table stts_t1 (a int, b int);
+create statistics stts_1 (ndistinct) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create statistics stts_2 (ndistinct, dependencies) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create statistics stts_3 (ndistinct, dependencies, mcv) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create table stts_t2 (a int, b int, c int);
+create statistics stts_4 on b, c from stts_t2;
+create table stts_t3 (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int);
+create statistics stts_hoge on col1, col2, col3 from stts_t3;
+create schema stts_s1;
+create schema stts_s2;
+create statistics stts_s1.stts_foo on col1, col2 from stts_t3;
+create statistics stts_s2.stts_yama (dependencies, mcv) on col1, col3 from stts_t3;
+insert into stts_t1 select i,i from generate_series(1,100) i;
+analyze stts_t1;
+                                          List of extended statistics
+  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
+ public   | func_deps_stat         | a, b, c FROM functional_dependencies |           | built        | 
+ public   | mcv_lists_arrays_stats | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_arrays        |           |              | built
+ public   | mcv_lists_bool_stats   | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_bool          |           |              | built
+ public   | mcv_lists_stats        | a, b, d FROM mcv_lists               |           |              | built
+ public   | stts_1                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     |              | 
+ public   | stts_2                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | 
+ public   | stts_3                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | built
+ public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | defined   | defined      | defined
+ public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | defined   | defined      | defined
+ stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | defined   | defined      | defined
+ stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | defined      | defined
+ tststats | priv_test_stats        | a, b FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl     |           |              | built
+(12 rows)
+\dX stts_?
+                       List of extended statistics
+ Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
+ public | stts_1 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     |              | 
+ public | stts_2 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | 
+ public | stts_3 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | built
+ public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | defined   | defined      | defined
+(4 rows)
+\dX *stts_hoge
+                               List of extended statistics
+ Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
+ public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | defined   | defined      | defined
+(1 row)
+                                                                   List of extended statistics
+  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
+ public   | func_deps_stat         | a, b, c FROM functional_dependencies |           | built        |         |                | 106 bytes         | 
+ public   | mcv_lists_arrays_stats | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_arrays        |           |              | built   |                |                   | 24 kB
+ public   | mcv_lists_bool_stats   | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_bool          |           |              | built   |                |                   | 386 bytes
+ public   | mcv_lists_stats        | a, b, d FROM mcv_lists               |           |              | built   |                |                   | 294 bytes
+ public   | stts_1                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     |              |         | 13 bytes       |                   | 
+ public   | stts_2                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        |         | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
+ public   | stts_3                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | built   | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
+ public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | defined      | defined |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ tststats | priv_test_stats        | a, b FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl     |           |              | built   |                |                   | 686 bytes
+(12 rows)
+\dX+ stts_?
+                                                List of extended statistics
+ Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
+ public | stts_1 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     |              |         | 13 bytes       |                   | 
+ public | stts_2 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        |         | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
+ public | stts_3 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | built   | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
+ public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+(4 rows)
+\dX+ *stts_hoge
+                                                       List of extended statistics
+ Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
+ public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+(1 row)
+\dX+ stts_s2.stts_yama
+                                                    List of extended statistics
+ Schema  |   Name    |       Definition        | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
+ stts_s2 | stts_yama | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3 |           | defined      | defined |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+(1 row)
+drop table stts_t1, stts_t2, stts_t3;
+drop schema stts_s1, stts_s2 cascade;
 -- User with no access
 CREATE USER regress_stats_user1;
 GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tststats TO regress_stats_user1;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql
index 7912e733ae..db6e3e1ba3 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql
@@ -912,6 +912,37 @@ CREATE STATISTICS tststats.priv_test_stats (mcv) ON a, b
 ANALYZE tststats.priv_test_tbl;
+-- Check printing info about extended statistics by \dX
+create table stts_t1 (a int, b int);
+create statistics stts_1 (ndistinct) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create statistics stts_2 (ndistinct, dependencies) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create statistics stts_3 (ndistinct, dependencies, mcv) on a, b from stts_t1;
+create table stts_t2 (a int, b int, c int);
+create statistics stts_4 on b, c from stts_t2;
+create table stts_t3 (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int);
+create statistics stts_hoge on col1, col2, col3 from stts_t3;
+create schema stts_s1;
+create schema stts_s2;
+create statistics stts_s1.stts_foo on col1, col2 from stts_t3;
+create statistics stts_s2.stts_yama (dependencies, mcv) on col1, col3 from stts_t3;
+insert into stts_t1 select i,i from generate_series(1,100) i;
+analyze stts_t1;
+\dX stts_?
+\dX *stts_hoge
+\dX+ stts_?
+\dX+ *stts_hoge
+\dX+ stts_s2.stts_yama
+drop table stts_t1, stts_t2, stts_t3;
+drop schema stts_s1, stts_s2 cascade;
 -- User with no access
 CREATE USER regress_stats_user1;
 GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tststats TO regress_stats_user1;

>From 1ff2e77fd2472700a4a89699d8afed8679e38c7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tomas Vondra <to...@2ndquadrant.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2021 00:56:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fixup: rename defined to requested

 src/bin/psql/describe.c                 | 10 +--
 src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out | 90 ++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bin/psql/describe.c b/src/bin/psql/describe.c
index 46f54199fb..83084f79d0 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/describe.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/describe.c
@@ -4440,10 +4440,10 @@ listExtendedStats(const char *pattern, bool verbose)
 						  ",\nCASE WHEN es.stxndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
-						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'requested' \n"
 						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
 						  "CASE WHEN es.stxdependencies IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
-						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'requested' \n"
 						  "END AS \"%s\"",
@@ -4452,13 +4452,13 @@ listExtendedStats(const char *pattern, bool verbose)
 						  ",\nCASE WHEN esd.stxdndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
-						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'd' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'requested' \n"
 						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
 						  "CASE WHEN esd.stxddependencies IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
-						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'f' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'requested' \n"
 						  "END AS \"%s\", \n"
 						  "CASE WHEN esd.stxdmcv IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' \n"
-						  "     WHEN 'm' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'defined' \n"
+						  "     WHEN 'm' = any(es.stxkind) THEN 'requested' \n"
 						  "END AS \"%s\"",
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
index 8c8a0afcf6..b3ae4de185 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/stats_ext.out
@@ -1741,9 +1741,9 @@ create statistics stts_s2.stts_yama (dependencies, mcv) on col1, col3 from stts_
 insert into stts_t1 select i,i from generate_series(1,100) i;
 analyze stts_t1;
-                                          List of extended statistics
-  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
+                                           List of extended statistics
+  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    
  public   | func_deps_stat         | a, b, c FROM functional_dependencies |           | built        | 
  public   | mcv_lists_arrays_stats | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_arrays        |           |              | built
  public   | mcv_lists_bool_stats   | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_bool          |           |              | built
@@ -1751,70 +1751,70 @@ analyze stts_t1;
  public   | stts_1                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     |              | 
  public   | stts_2                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | 
  public   | stts_3                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | built
- public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | defined   | defined      | defined
- public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | defined   | defined      | defined
- stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | defined   | defined      | defined
- stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | defined      | defined
+ public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | requested | requested    | requested
+ public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | requested | requested    | requested
+ stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | requested | requested    | requested
+ stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | requested    | requested
  tststats | priv_test_stats        | a, b FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl     |           |              | built
 (12 rows)
 \dX stts_?
-                       List of extended statistics
- Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
+                        List of extended statistics
+ Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    
  public | stts_1 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     |              | 
  public | stts_2 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | 
  public | stts_3 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | built
- public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | defined   | defined      | defined
+ public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | requested | requested    | requested
 (4 rows)
 \dX *stts_hoge
-                               List of extended statistics
- Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   
- public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | defined   | defined      | defined
+                                List of extended statistics
+ Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    
+ public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | requested | requested    | requested
 (1 row)
-                                                                   List of extended statistics
-  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
- public   | func_deps_stat         | a, b, c FROM functional_dependencies |           | built        |         |                | 106 bytes         | 
- public   | mcv_lists_arrays_stats | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_arrays        |           |              | built   |                |                   | 24 kB
- public   | mcv_lists_bool_stats   | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_bool          |           |              | built   |                |                   | 386 bytes
- public   | mcv_lists_stats        | a, b, d FROM mcv_lists               |           |              | built   |                |                   | 294 bytes
- public   | stts_1                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     |              |         | 13 bytes       |                   | 
- public   | stts_2                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        |         | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
- public   | stts_3                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | built   | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
- public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
- public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
- stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
- stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | defined      | defined |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
- tststats | priv_test_stats        | a, b FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl     |           |              | built   |                |                   | 686 bytes
+                                                                    List of extended statistics
+  Schema  |          Name          |              Definition              | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
+ public   | func_deps_stat         | a, b, c FROM functional_dependencies |           | built        |           |                | 106 bytes         | 
+ public   | mcv_lists_arrays_stats | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_arrays        |           |              | built     |                |                   | 24 kB
+ public   | mcv_lists_bool_stats   | a, b, c FROM mcv_lists_bool          |           |              | built     |                |                   | 386 bytes
+ public   | mcv_lists_stats        | a, b, d FROM mcv_lists               |           |              | built     |                |                   | 294 bytes
+ public   | stts_1                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     |              |           | 13 bytes       |                   | 
+ public   | stts_2                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        |           | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
+ public   | stts_3                 | a, b FROM stts_t1                    | built     | built        | built     | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
+ public   | stts_4                 | b, c FROM stts_t2                    | requested | requested    | requested | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ public   | stts_hoge              | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3        | requested | requested    | requested | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ stts_s1  | stts_foo               | col1, col2 FROM stts_t3              | requested | requested    | requested | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ stts_s2  | stts_yama              | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3              |           | requested    | requested |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+ tststats | priv_test_stats        | a, b FROM tststats.priv_test_tbl     |           |              | built     |                |                   | 686 bytes
 (12 rows)
 \dX+ stts_?
-                                                List of extended statistics
- Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
- public | stts_1 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     |              |         | 13 bytes       |                   | 
- public | stts_2 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        |         | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
- public | stts_3 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | built   | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
- public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+                                                 List of extended statistics
+ Schema |  Name  |    Definition     | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size |  MCV_size  
+ public | stts_1 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     |              |           | 13 bytes       |                   | 
+ public | stts_2 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        |           | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 
+ public | stts_3 | a, b FROM stts_t1 | built     | built        | built     | 13 bytes       | 40 bytes          | 6126 bytes
+ public | stts_4 | b, c FROM stts_t2 | requested | requested    | requested | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
 (4 rows)
 \dX+ *stts_hoge
-                                                       List of extended statistics
- Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
- public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | defined   | defined      | defined | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+                                                        List of extended statistics
+ Schema |   Name    |          Definition           | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
+ public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM stts_t3 | requested | requested    | requested | 0 bytes        | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
 (1 row)
 \dX+ stts_s2.stts_yama
-                                                    List of extended statistics
- Schema  |   Name    |       Definition        | Ndistinct | Dependencies |   MCV   | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
- stts_s2 | stts_yama | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3 |           | defined      | defined |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
+                                                     List of extended statistics
+ Schema  |   Name    |       Definition        | Ndistinct | Dependencies |    MCV    | Ndistinct_size | Dependencies_size | MCV_size 
+ stts_s2 | stts_yama | col1, col3 FROM stts_t3 |           | requested    | requested |                | 0 bytes           | 0 bytes
 (1 row)
 drop table stts_t1, stts_t2, stts_t3;

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