Thanks for the comments.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 8:56 AM Zhihong Yu <> wrote:
> +       (void) SetCurrentCommandIdUsedForWorker();
> +       myState->output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);
> SetCurrentCommandIdUsedForWorker already has void as return type. The 
> '(void)' is not needed.


> +            * rd_createSubid is marked invalid, otherwise, the table is
> +            * not allowed to extend by the workers.
> nit: to extend by the workers -> to be extended by the workers


> For IsParallelInsertInCTASAllowed, logic is inside 'if (IS_CTAS(into))' block.
> You can return false when (!IS_CTAS(into)) - this would save some indentation 
> for the body.


> +       if (rel && rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
> +           allowed = true;
> Similarly, when the above condition doesn't hold, you can return false 
> directly - reducing the next if condition to 'if (queryDesc)'.


> The composite condition is negated. Maybe you can write without negation:


> +    * Write out the number of tuples this worker has inserted. Leader will 
> use
> +    * it to inform to the end client.
> 'inform to the end client' -> 'inform the end client' (without to)


Attaching v8 patch. Consider this for further review.

With Regards,
Bharath Rupireddy.

Attachment: v8-0001-Parallel-Inserts-in-CREATE-TABLE-AS.patch
Description: Binary data

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