On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 3:35 PM Etsuro Fujita <etsuro.fuj...@gmail.com> wrote: > Yes, if there are no objections from you or Thomas or Robert or anyone > else, I'll update Robert's patch as such.
Here is a new version of the patch (as promised in the developer unconference in PostgresConf.CN & PGConf.Asia 2020): * In Robert's patch [1] (and Horiguchi-san's, which was created based on Robert's), ExecAppend() was modified to retrieve tuples from async-aware children *before* the tuples will be needed, but I don't think that's really a good idea, because the query might complete before returning the tuples. So I modified that function so that a tuple is retrieved from an async-aware child *when* it is needed, like Thomas' patch. I used FDW callback functions proposed by Robert, but introduced another FDW callback function ForeignAsyncBegin() for each async-aware child to start an asynchronous data fetch at the first call to ExecAppend() after ExecInitAppend() or ExecReScanAppend(). * For EvalPlanQual, I modified the patch so that async-aware children are treated as if they were synchronous when executing EvalPlanQual. * In Robert's patch, all async-aware children below Append nodes in the query waiting for events to occur were managed by a single EState, but I modified the patch so that such children are managed by each Append node, like Horiguchi-san's patch and Thomas'. * In Robert's patch, the FDW callback function ForeignAsyncConfigureWait() allowed multiple events to be configured, but I limited that function to only allow a single event to be configured, just for simplicity. * I haven't yet added some planner/resowner changes from Horiguchi-san's patch. * I haven't yet done anything about the issue on postgres_fdw's handling of concurrent data fetches by multiple ForeignScan nodes (below *different* Append nodes in the query) using the same connection discussed in [2]. I modified the patch to just disable applying this feature to problematic test cases in the postgres_fdw regression tests, by a new GUC enable_async_append. Comments welcome! The attached is still WIP and maybe I'm missing something, though. Best regards, Etsuro Fujita [1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA%2BTgmoaXQEt4tZ03FtQhnzeDEMzBck%2BLrni0UWHVVgOTnA6C1w%40mail.gmail.com [2] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAPmGK16E1erFV9STg8yokoewY6E-zEJtLzHUJcQx%2B3dyivCT%3DA%40mail.gmail.com
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