On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 2:32 PM Andy Fan <zhihui.fan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently when people want to review a patch, they have to download / apply /
> maintain the branch manually.  Would it be helpful that the reviewer can just
> git fetch a remote branch where all the things have been done already. I know
> that such cost saving is small, but it is a startup cost, so personally I 
> think it is
> a good place to improve. Since we already maintain such remote git repo at 
> cbfot,
> so can we just expose such URL for each item in commitfest then things would 
> be done?
> At the bottom of cfbot, we have words "Please send feedback to thomas munro",
> so I added Tomas in the cc list.

Hi Andy,

Try this:

git remote add cfbot https://github.com/postgresql-cfbot/postgresql.git
git fetch cfbot commitfest/30/2785
git checkout commitfest/30/2785

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