> On 23 Sep 2020, at 10:19, Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 02:01:18PM +0200, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
>> Another option would be to follow OpenSSL's deprecations and mark these 
>> ciphers
>> as deprecated such that we can remove them in case they indeed get removed 
>> from
>> libcypto.  That would give users a heads-up that they should have a migration
>> plan for if that time comes.
> Does that mean a deprecation note in the docs as well as a WARNING
> when attempting to use those ciphers in pgcryto with the version of
> OpenSSL marking such ciphers as deprecated?  I would assume that we
> should do both, rather than only one of them to bring more visibility
> to the user.

We generally don't issue WARNINGs for deprecated functionality do we?  The only
one I can see is for GLOBAL TEMPORARY in temp table creation.  The relevant
errcode ERRCODE_WARNING_DEPRECATED_FEATURE is also not used anywhere.

I'd expect it to just be a note in the documentation, with a prominent
placement in the release notes, if we decide to do something like this.

cheers ./daniel

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