> On 21 Sep 2020, at 17:09, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Daniel Gustafsson <dan...@yesql.se> writes:
>> The pg_service.conf parsing thread [0] made me realize that we have a 
>> hardwired
>> line length of max 256 bytes.  Lifting this would be in line with recent work
>> for ecpg, pg_regress and pg_hba (784b1ba1a2 and 8f8154a50).  The attached 
>> moves
>> pg_service.conf to use the new pg_get_line_append API and a StringInfo to 
>> lift
>> the restriction. Any reason not to do that while we're lifting other such 
>> limits?
> +1.  I'd been thinking of looking around at our fgets calls to see
> which ones need this sort of work, but didn't get to it yet.

I took a quick look and found the TOC parsing in pg_restore which used a 100
byte buffer and then did some juggling to find EOL for >100b long lines.  There
we wont see a bugreport for exceeded line length, but simplifying the code
seemed like a win to me so included that in the updated patch as well.

> Personally, I'd avoid depending on StringInfo.cursor here, as the
> dependency isn't really buying you anything.

Fair enough, I was mainly a bit excited at finally finding a use for .cursor =)

> Also, the need for inserting the pfree into multiple exit paths kind
> of makes me itch.  I wonder if we should change the ending code to
> look like
> exit:
>       fclose(f);
>       pfree(linebuf.data);
>       return result;
> and then the early exit spots would be replaced with "result = x;
> goto exit".  (Some of them could use "break", but not all, so
> it's probably better to consistently use "goto".)

Agreed, fixed.  I was a bit tempted to use something less magic and more
descriptive than result = 3; but in the end opted for keeping changes to one
thing at a time.

cheers ./daniel

Attachment: 0001-Refactor-pg_service.conf-and-pg_restore-TOC-file-par.patch
Description: Binary data

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