James Coleman <jtc...@gmail.com> writes:
> If there's a better list than this, please let me know, but I figured
> hackers is appropriate since the extension building infrastructure is
> documented in core.

> While working on an in-house extension I realized that while PGXS
> provides the standard regression test infrastructure, I'm not aware of
> an automatic or standard way to test all upgrade paths provided by the
> extension.

The recommended way to deal with updates these days is to leave the
original extension script as-is and just write update scripts
(1.0--1.1, 1.1--1.2, etc).  That way, application of the updates
is tested automatically every time you do CREATE EXTENSION.

Now, if you also want to check that the intermediate states still
behave as intended, I don't see much of a solution that doesn't
involve custom test scaffolding.

                        regards, tom lane

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