On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 at 11:28, Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I fixed up the copyright messages, and removed some stray bits of
> build scripting relating to the Perl-generated file.  Added to
> commitfest.

I'm starting to look at this. So far I've only just done a quick
performance test on it.  With the workload I ran, using 0001+0002.

The test replayed ~2.2 GB of WAL. master took 148.581 seconds and
master+0001+0002 took 115.588 seconds. That's about 28% faster. Pretty

I found running a lower heap fillfactor will cause quite a few more
heap cleanups to occur. Perhaps that's one of the reasons the speedup
I got was more than the 12% you reported.

More details of the test:


drowley@amd3990x:~$ cat recoverbench.sh

pg_ctl stop -D pgdata -m smart
pg_ctl start -D pgdata -l pg.log -w
psql -c "drop table if exists t1;" postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "create table t1 (a int primary key, b int not null) with
(fillfactor = 85);" postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "insert into t1 select x,0 from generate_series(1,10000000)
x;" postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "drop table if exists log_wal;" postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "create table log_wal (lsn pg_lsn not null);" postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "insert into log_wal values(pg_current_wal_lsn());" postgres > /dev/null
pgbench -n -f update.sql -t 60000 -c 200 -j 200 -M prepared postgres > /dev/null
psql -c "select 'Used ' ||
pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(), lsn)) || ' of
WAL' from log_wal limit 1;" postgres
pg_ctl stop -D pgdata -m immediate -w
echo Starting Postgres...
pg_ctl start -D pgdata -l pg.log

drowley@amd3990x:~$ cat update.sql
\set i random(1,10000000)
update t1 set b = b+1 where a = :i;



Recovery times are indicated in the postgresql log:

2020-09-06 22:38:58.992 NZST [6487] LOG:  redo starts at 3/16E4A988
2020-09-06 22:41:27.570 NZST [6487] LOG:  invalid record length at
3/F67F8B48: wanted 24, got 0
2020-09-06 22:41:27.573 NZST [6487] LOG:  redo done at 3/F67F8B20

recovery duration =  00:02:28.581

drowley@amd3990x:~$ ./recoverbench.sh
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
 Used 2333 MB of WAL
(1 row)

waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
Starting Postgres...

recovery profile:
 28.79%  postgres  postgres            [.] pg_qsort
  13.58%  postgres  postgres            [.] itemoffcompare
  12.27%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageRepairFragmentation
   8.26%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e48f
   5.90%  postgres  postgres            [.] swapfunc
   4.86%  postgres  postgres            [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
   2.95%  postgres  postgres            [.] XLogReadBufferExtended
   1.83%  postgres  postgres            [.] PinBuffer
   1.80%  postgres  postgres            [.] compactify_tuples
   1.71%  postgres  postgres            [.] med3
   0.99%  postgres  postgres            [.] hash_bytes
   0.90%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e470
   0.89%  postgres  postgres            [.] StartupXLOG
   0.84%  postgres  postgres            [.] XLogReadRecord
   0.72%  postgres  postgres            [.] LWLockRelease
   0.71%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageGetHeapFreeSpace
   0.61%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e499
   0.50%  postgres  postgres            [.] heap_xlog_update
   0.50%  postgres  postgres            [.] DecodeXLogRecord
   0.50%  postgres  postgres            [.] pg_comp_crc32c_sse42
   0.45%  postgres  postgres            [.] LWLockAttemptLock
   0.40%  postgres  postgres            [.] ReadBuffer_common
   0.40%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] copy_user_generic_string
   0.36%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e49f
   0.33%  postgres  postgres            [.] SlruSelectLRUPage
   0.32%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageAddItemExtended
   0.31%  postgres  postgres            [.] ReadPageInternal

Patched v2-0001 + v2-0002:

Recovery times are indicated in the postgresql log:

2020-09-06 22:54:25.532 NZST [13252] LOG:  redo starts at 3/F67F8C70
2020-09-06 22:56:21.120 NZST [13252] LOG:  invalid record length at
4/D633FCD0: wanted 24, got 0
2020-09-06 22:56:21.120 NZST [13252] LOG:  redo done at 4/D633FCA8

recovery duration = 00:01:55.588

drowley@amd3990x:~$ ./recoverbench.sh
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
 Used 2335 MB of WAL
(1 row)

waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
Starting Postgres...

recovery profile:
  32.29%  postgres  postgres            [.] qsort_itemoff
  17.73%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageRepairFragmentation
  10.98%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e48f
   5.54%  postgres  postgres            [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
   3.60%  postgres  postgres            [.] XLogReadBufferExtended
   2.32%  postgres  postgres            [.] compactify_tuples
   2.14%  postgres  postgres            [.] PinBuffer
   1.39%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageGetHeapFreeSpace
   1.38%  postgres  postgres            [.] hash_bytes
   1.36%  postgres  postgres            [.] qsort_itemoff_med3
   0.94%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e499
   0.89%  postgres  postgres            [.] XLogReadRecord
   0.74%  postgres  postgres            [.] LWLockRelease
   0.74%  postgres  postgres            [.] DecodeXLogRecord
   0.73%  postgres  postgres            [.] heap_xlog_update
   0.66%  postgres  postgres            [.] LWLockAttemptLock
   0.65%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e470
   0.64%  postgres  postgres            [.] pg_comp_crc32c_sse42
   0.63%  postgres  postgres            [.] StartupXLOG
   0.61%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] copy_user_generic_string
   0.60%  postgres  postgres            [.] PageAddItemExtended
   0.60%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e49f
   0.56%  postgres  libc-2.31.so        [.] 0x000000000018e495
   0.54%  postgres  postgres            [.] ReadBuffer_common

shared_buffers = 10GB
checkpoint_timeout = 1 hour
max_wal_size = 100GB


AMD 3990x
Samsung 970 EVO SSD
64GB DDR4 3600MHz

I'll spend some time looking at the code soon.


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