Hi Tom and Zhenghua,

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 8:18 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Jesse Zhang <sbje...@gmail.com> writes:
> > You are right, no they are not consistent. But Neither plans is
> > incorrect:
> > 1. In the first query, it's semantically permissible to evaluate
> > timeofday() for each pair of (c1, c2), and the plan reflects that.
> > (Notice that the parallel nature of the plan is just noise here, the
> > planner could have gone with a Nested Loop of which the inner side is
> > _not_ materialized).
> Yeah, exactly.  The short answer here is that refusing to parallelize
> the plan would not make things any more consistent.
> In general, using a volatile function in a WHERE clause is problematic
> because we make no guarantees about how often it will be evaluated.
> It could be anywhere between "never" and "once per row of the
> cross-product of the FROM tables".  AFAIR, the only concession we've made
> to make that less unpredictable is to avoid using volatile functions in
> index quals.  But even that will only make things noticeably more
> predictable for single-table queries.  As soon as you get into join cases,
> you don't have much control over when the function will get evaluated.
>                         regards, tom lane

For more kicks, I don't even think this is restricted to volatile
functions only. To stir the pot, it's conceivable that planner might
produce the following plan

Seq Scan on pg_temp_3.foo
  Output: foo.a
  Filter: (SubPlan 1)
  SubPlan 1
    ->  WindowAgg
          Output: sum(bar.d) OVER (?)
          ->  Seq Scan on pg_temp_3.bar
                Output: bar.d

For the following query


N.B. that the WindowAgg might produce a different set of numbers each
time depending on the scan order of bar, which means that for two
different "foo" tuples of equal b value, one might be rejected by the
filter whereas another survives.

I think the crux of the discussion should be whether we can reasonably
expect a subquery (subquery-like structure, for example the inner side
of nest loops upthread) to be evaluated only once. IMHO, no. The SQL
standard only broadly mandates that each "execution" of a subquery to be

Zhenghua and Tom, would you suggest the above plan is wrong (not
suboptimal, but wrong) just because we don't materialize the WindowAgg
under the subplan?


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