
In the hope of this not being derailed by larger/more unpopular pieces of
work, I'm attaching a tiny patch which I don't believe will have any
negative impact - but will remove one blocker for $subject (sigprocmask
usage is "unspecified" in multithreaded code [1]).

The patch replaces *sigprocmask *with *pthread_sigmask*. They have
identical APIs ("[pthread_sigmask] shall be equivalent to sigprocmask(),
without the restriction that the call be made in a single-threaded

The rationale here is that as far as I can tell this is the **only**
blocker to using multithreaded code in a BGWorker which can't be avoided by
adhering to strict code rules (eg: no PG calls from non-main threads, no
interaction with signals from non-main threads).

Before this went in the rules would need to be agreed upon and documented -
but hopefully it's at least a way forward / a way to progress this



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Attachment: pthread_sigmask.patch
Description: Binary data

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