On 6/20/20 4:46 PM, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 3:32 PM Erik Rijkers <e...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> The mails that I get today from  pgsql-committers contain links (as
>> usual) to git.postgresql.org
>> but these links don't seem to give valid pages: I get what looks like a
>> gitweb page but with '404 - Unknown commit object '
>> example:
>> https://git.postgresql.org/pg/commitdiff/15cb2bd27009f73a84a35c2ba60fdd105b4bf263
> I've also discovered similar issues.  It seems that new commit appears
> at https://git.postgresql.org, but with delay. Commit notifications to
> pgsql-committers also seem to work with delays.
>> And I can git-pull without error  but nothing more recent than this:
> I've discovered timeouts while accessing gitmaster.postgresql.org

the root issue should be fixed as of a few minutes ago but it might take
a bit until everything is synced up again.

sorry for the inconvinience :/


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