On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 09:49:31AM -0300, Ranier Vilela wrote:
> II already reported on another thread, that vcregress is failing with
> (float8 and partitionprune) and now these messages are showing up.
> None buildfarm animal, have that combination, but as Postgres officially
> supports it ..

Well, it happens that I do have a VM with MSVC 2019 64-bit and Windows
10 (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434 coming directly from Microsoft's
website).  Testing with it, I am not seeing any issues related to
temporary file renames, though getting a disk full I could find some
errors in writing and/or closing temporary statistics file because of
ENOSPC but that's not a surprise in this situation, and regression
tests just work fine.  Honestly, I see nothing to act on based on the
information provided in this thread.

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