On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 8:56 AM Sergei Kornilov <s...@zsrv.org> wrote:

> Hello
> Correct index lookup is a difficult task. I tried to implement this
> previously...
> But the answer in SO is a bit incomplete for recent postgresql releases.
> Seqscan is not the only possible way to set not null in pg12+. My patch was
> commited ( https://commitfest.postgresql.org/22/1389/ ) and now it's
> possible to do this way:
> alter table foos
>      add constraint foos_not_null
>      check (bar1 is not null) not valid; -- short-time exclusive lock
> alter table foos validate constraint foos_not_null; -- still seqscan
> entire table but without exclusive lock
> An then another short lock:
> alter table foos alter column bar1 set not null;
> alter table foos drop constraint foos_not_null;

That's really good to know, Sergei!

John, I think it's worth pointing out that Postgres most likely does a full
table scan to validate a constraint by design and not in optimization
oversight.  Think of what's gonna happen if the index used for checking is


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