On 2020-Jan-29, Michael Paquier wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 03:51:54PM -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> > I quickly reread that thread and I don't see that there's any firm
> > consensus there in favor of "read %d of %zu" over "read only %d of %zu
> > bytes". Now, if most people prefer the former, so be it, but I don't
> > think that's clear from that thread.
> The argument of consistency falls in favor of the former on HEAD:
> $ git grep "could not read" | grep "read %d of %zu" | wc -l
> 59
> $ git grep "could not read" | grep "read only %d of %zu" | wc -l
> 0

In the discussion that led to 811b6e36a9e2 I did suggest to use "read
only M of N" instead, but there wasn't enough discussion on that fine
point so we settled on what you now call prevalent without a lot of
support specifically on that.  I guess it was enough of an improvement
over what was there.  But like Robert, I too prefer the wording that
includes "only" and "bytes" over the wording that doesn't.

I'll let it be known that from a translator's point of view, it's a
ten-seconds job to update a fuzzy string from not including "only" and
"bytes" to one that does.  So let's not make that an argument for not

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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