On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 11:36:42AM -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
On Mon, 2020-05-25 at 04:10 +0200, Tomas Vondra wrote:
     algorithm  master  prealloc  tlist  prealloc-tlist
          hash    1365       437    368             213
          sort     226       214    224             215

The sort row simply means "enable_hashagg = off" and AFAIK the
should not have a lot of influence here - the prealloc does, but it's
fairly negligible.

I also say a small speedup from the prealloc patch for Sort. I wrote if
off initially, but I'm wondering if there's something going on there.
Perhaps drawing K elements from the minheap at once is better for
caching? If so, that's good news, because it means the prealloc list is
a win-win.


                          ->  Finalize HashAggregate
                                Group Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey
                                ->  Gather
                                      Workers Planned: 2
                                      ->  Partial HashAggregate
                                            Group Key:
                                            ->  Parallel Seq Scan on
lineitem lineitem_1
     (20 rows)

Although each worker here only gets half the tuples, it will get
(approximately) all of the *groups*. This may partly explain why the
planner moves away from this plan when there are more workers: the
number of hashagg batches doesn't go down much with more workers.

It also might be interesting to know the estimate for the number of
groups relative to the size of the table. If those two are close, it
might look to the planner like processing the whole input in each
worker isn't much worse than processing all of the groups in each

Hmmm, yeah. The number of groups per worker is another moving part. But
isn't the number of groups per worker pretty much the same (and equal to
the total number of groups) in all plans? I mean all the plans (both
hash and sort based) have this:

  ->  Finalize HashAggregate  (cost=18313351.98..18654393.43 rows=14949762 
        Group Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey
        Planned Partitions: 64
        ->  Gather  (cost=14993231.96..17967638.74 rows=14949762 width=36)
              Workers Planned: 1
              ->  Partial HashAggregate  (cost=14992231.96..16471662.54 
rows=14949762 width=36)
                    Group Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey
                    Planned Partitions: 64
                    ->  Parallel Seq Scan on lineitem lineitem_1  
(cost=0.00..11083534.91 rows=264715991 width=9)

I think it's rather that we actually expect this number of rows from
each worker, so the total cost is

    parallel_tuple_cost * num_of_workers * num_of_groups

But we just ignore this inherent cost when picking the number of
workers, don't we? Because we don't know how many rows will be produced
and passed to the Gather in the end.


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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