On 5/12/20 8:06 AM, Joe Conway wrote:
> I was doing some memory testing under fractional CPU allocations and it became
> painfully obvious that the repeat() function needs CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS().
> I exchanged a few emails offlist with Tom about it, and (at the risk of 
> putting
> words in his mouth) he agreed and felt it was a candidate for backpatching.
> Very small patch attached. Quick and dirty performance test:


> While discussing the above, Tom also wondered whether we should add unlikely()
> to the CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() macro.
> Small patch for that also attached. I was not sure about the WIN32 stanza on
> that (to do it or not; if so, what about the UNBLOCKED_SIGNAL_QUEUE() test).
> I tested as above with unlikely() and did not see any discernible difference,
> but the added check might improve other code paths.
> Comments or objections?

Seeing none ... I intend to backpatch and push these two patches in the next day
or so.


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