On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 11:36 AM Rushabh Lathia
<rushabh.lat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 10:47 AM Ahsan Hadi <ahsan.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> During an offlist discussion with Robert, he pointed out that current
>>>> basebackup's code doesn't account for the wait event for the reading
>>>> of files which can change what pg_stat_activity shows?  Can you please
>>>> apply his latest patch to improve basebackup.c's code [1] which will
>>>> take care of that waitevent before getting the data again?
>>>> [1] - 
>>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA%2BTgmobBw-3573vMosGj06r72ajHsYeKtksT_oTxH8XvTL7DxA%40mail.gmail.com
>>> Sure, we can try out this and do a similar run to collect the 
>>> pg_stat_activity output.
>> Have you had the chance to try this out?
> Yes. My colleague Suraj tried this and here are the pg_stat_activity output 
> files.
> Captured wait events after every 3 seconds during the backup for -
> 1: parallel backup for 100GB data with 4 workers 
> (pg_stat_activity_normal_backup_100GB.txt)
> 2: Normal backup (without parallel backup patch) for 100GB data  
> (pg_stat_activity_j4_100GB.txt)
> Here is the observation:
> The total number of events (pg_stat_activity) captured during above runs:
> - 314 events for normal backups
> - 316 events for parallel backups (-j 4)
> BaseBackupRead wait event numbers: (newly added)
> 37 - in normal backups
> 25 - in the parallel backup (-j 4)
> ClientWrite wait event numbers:
> 175 - in normal backup
> 1098 - in parallel backups
> ClientRead wait event numbers:
> 0 - ClientRead in normal backup
> 326 - ClientRead in parallel backups for diff processes. (all in idle state)

It might be interesting to see why ClientRead/ClientWrite has
increased so much and can we reduce it?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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