|Allow function call backtraces of errors to be logged (Peter Eisentraut, Álvaro Herrera) |Server variable backtrace_functions specifies which C functions should generate backtraces on error.
I think the details in the description are eclipsing the most important thing: backtraces on Assert(). I would say "Support for showing backtraces on error". Regarding this one: |Add system view pg_shmem_allocations to display shared memory usage (Andres Freund, Robert Haas) |WHAT IS THE ENTRY WITH NO NAME? There seems to be two special, "unnamed" cases: src/backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c- /* output shared memory allocated but not counted via the shmem index */ src/backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c: values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("<anonymous>"); ... src/backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c- /* output as-of-yet unused shared memory */ src/backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c- nulls[0] = true; That seems to be adequately documented: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/view-pg-shmem-allocations.html |NULL for unused memory and <anonymous> for anonymous allocations. I would remove this part: "Previously, this could only be set at server start." -- Justin