Hi, On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 10:47 AM movead li <movead...@highgo.ca> wrote:
> I redo the make installcheck-world as Kyotaro Horiguchi point out and the > result nothing wrong. And I think the patch is good in feature and performance > here is the test result thread I made before: > https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA%2B9bhCK7chd0qx%2Bmny%2BU9xaOs2FDNJ7RaxG4%3D9rpgT6oAKBgWA%40mail.gmail.com > > The new status of this patch is: Ready for Committer As discussed upthread, this is a material for PG14, so I moved this to the next commitfest, keeping the same status. I've not looked at the patch in any detail yet, so I'm not sure that that is the right status for the patch, though. I'd like to work on this for PG14 if I have time. Thanks! Best regards, Etsuro Fujita