On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 10:35:03PM +0100, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> Your point is to store the gset/aset status into the meta field, even if the
> command type is SQL. This is not done for gset, which relies on the non-null
> prefix, and breaks the assumption that meta is set to something only when
> the command is a meta command. Why not. I updated the comment, so now meta
> is none/gset/aset when command type is sql, and I removed the aset field.

Yes, that's the point I was trying to make.  Thanks for sending a new

> - * meta            The type of meta-command, or META_NONE if command is SQL
> + * meta            The type of meta-command, if command is SQL META_NONE,
> + *                META_GSET or META_ASET which dictate what to do with the
> + *                 SQL query result.

I did not quite get why you need to update this comment.  The same
concepts as before apply.

>> +                   /* coldly skip empty result under \aset */
>> +                   if (ntuples <= 0)
>> +                       break;
>> Shouldn't this check after \aset?  And it seems to me that this code
>> path is not taken, so a test would be nice.
> Added (I think, if I understood what you suggested.).

+                    /* coldly skip empty result under \aset */
+                    else if (meta == META_ASET && ntuples <= 0)
+                        break;
Yes, that's what I meant.  Now it happens that we don't have a
regression test to cover the path where we have no tuples.  Could it
be possible to add one?

+    Assert((meta == META_NONE && varprefix == NULL) ||
+           ((meta == META_GSET || meta == META_ASET) && varprefix != NULL));
Good addition.  That would blow up if meta is set to something else
than {META_NONE,META_GSET,META_ASET}, so anybody changing this code
path will need to question if he/she needs to do something here.

Except for the addition of a test case to skip empty results when
\aset is used, I think that we are pretty good here.

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