On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 8:11 PM Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com>

> I gave this a look.  I first reformatted it so I could read it; that's
> 0001.  Second I changed all the long <link> items into <xref>s, which

Thanks! I didn't know about xrefs, that is a big improvement.

> are shorter and don't have to repeat the title of the refered to page.
> (Of course, this changes the link to be in the same style as every other
> link in our documentation; some people don't like it. But it's our
> style.)
> There are some mistakes.  "Tupple" is most glaring one -- not just the
> typo but also the fact that it goes to sql-revoke.  A few definitions
> we'll want to modify.  Nothing too big.  In general I like this work and
> I think we should have it in pg13.
> Please bikeshed the definition of your favorite term, and suggest what
> other terms to add.  No pointing out of mere typos yet, please.

Jürgen mentioned off-list that the man page doesn't build. I was going to
look into that, but if anyone has more familiarity with that, I'm listening.

> I think we should have the terms Consistency, Isolation, Durability.


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