On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 1:21 AM Masahiko Sawada
<masahiko.saw...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 at 20:36, Sehrope Sarkuni <sehr...@jackdb.com> wrote:
> > That
> > would allow the internal usage to have a fixed output length of
> > LEN(IV) + LEN(HMAC) + LEN(DATA) = 16 + 32 + 64 = 112 bytes.
> Probably you meant LEN(DATA) is 32? DATA will be an encryption key for
> AES256 (master key) internally generated.

No it should be 64-bytes. That way we can have separate 32-byte
encryption key (for AES256) and 32-byte MAC key (for HMAC-SHA256).

While it's common to reuse the same 32-byte key for both AES256 and an
HMAC-SHA256 and there aren't any known issues with doing so, when
designing something from scratch it's more secure to use entirely
separate keys.

> > For the user facing piece, padding would enabled to support arbitrary
> > input data lengths. That would make the output length grow by up to
> > 16-bytes (rounding the data length up to the AES block size) plus one
> > more byte if a version field is added.
> I think the length of padding also needs to be added to the output.
> Anyway, in the first version the same methods of wrapping/unwrapping
> key are used for both internal use and user facing function. And user
> input key needs to be a multiple of 16 bytes value.

A separate length field does not need to be added as the
padding-enabled output will already include it at the end[1]. This
would be handled automatically by the OpenSSL encryption / decryption
operations (if it's enabled):

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_(cryptography)#PKCS#5_and_PKCS#7

> BTW I think this topic is better to be discussed on a separate thread
> as the scope no longer includes TDE. I'll start a new thread for
> introducing internal KMS.

Good idea.

-- Sehrope Sarkuni
Founder & CEO | JackDB, Inc. | https://www.jackdb.com/

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