> On 28 Jan 2020, at 09:56, Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ([…]  I have no
> idea what GUI interaction causes that, but most Apple Mail attachments
> seem to be fine.)

I gathered from the other thread that posting plain text seems to attach the 
patches in a way that’s more acceptable. Seems to work, but doesn’t explain 
exactly what the issue is, and I’m pretty sure I’ve not always had to go via 
the “make plain text” menu item before.

> Here's a quick rebase in case it helps.  I mostly applied fine (see
> below).  The conflicts were just Makefile and expected output files,
> which I tried to do the obvious thing with.  I had to add a #include
> "access/tupdesc.h" to plannodes.h to make something compile (because
> it uses TupleDesc).  Passes check-world here.

Thanks a lot for doing that. I tried it against 530609a, and indeed it seems to 

I’m also watching the polymorphic table functions light thread[0], which at 
first glance would also seems to make useful SRF RECORD-returning functions 
when employed in the SELECT list. It’s not doing what this patch does, but 
people might happy enough to transform their queries into SELECT … FROM (SELECT 
fn(…)) to achieve pipelining, at least in the short term.



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