2. Actually I do not propose some completely new approach. I try to
> provide behavior with is compatible with regular tables.
> If you create index for regular table, then it can be used in all
> sessions, right?

I don't understand to this point. Regular tables shares data, shares files.
You cannot to separate it. More - you have to uses relatively aggressive
locks to be this operation safe.

Nothing from these points are valid for GTT.



> And all "various backend-local data structures in the relcache, the
> planner, and the executor that remember information about indexes"
> have to be properly updated.  It is done using invalidation mechanism.
> The same mechanism is used in case of DDL operations with GTT, because
> we change system catalog.
> So my point here is that creation index of GTT is almost the same as
> creation of index for regular tables and the same mechanism will be used
> to provide correctness of this operation.
> --
> Konstantin Knizhnik
> Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
> The Russian Postgres Company

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