
On 2019-Dec-15, Tomas Zubiri wrote:

> Attached you will find my patch. Below you can find the form required
> for submitting patches.
> Project name: Not sure, psql?
> Uniquely identifiable file name, so we can tell the difference between
> your v1 and v24:
> [...]

Please, where did you find this "form"?  We don't have a *required* form
for submitting patches; I suspect there's an opinionated page somewhere
that we should strive to fix.  (Those questions you list are appropriate
to answer, but forcing you to repeat what you had already explained in
the first part of your email is pointless bureaucracy.)


Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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