On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 7:04 PM Asif Rehman <asifr.reh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I sent the wrong patches. Please see the correct version of the
> patches (_v6).

Review comments on these patches:

+    XLogRecPtr    wal_location;

Looking at the other field names in basebackup_options structure, let's use
wallocation instead. Or better startwallocation to be precise.

+    int32        size;

Should we use size_t here?

I am still not sure why we need SEND_BACKUP_FILELIST as a separate command.
Can't we return the file list with START_BACKUP itself?

+        else if (
+#ifndef WIN32
+                 S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)
+                 pgwin32_is_junction(pathbuf)
+            )
+        {
+            /*
+             * If symlink, write it as a directory. file symlinks only
+             * in pg_tblspc
+             */
+            statbuf.st_mode = S_IFDIR | pg_dir_create_mode;
+            _tarWriteHeader(pathbuf + basepathlen + 1, NULL, &statbuf,
+        }

In normal backup mode, we skip the special file which is not a regular file
a directory or a symlink inside pg_tblspc. But in your patch, above code,
treats it as a directory. Should parallel backup too skip such special

Please keep header file inclusions in alphabetical order in basebackup.c and

+        /*
+         * build query in form of: SEND_BACKUP_FILES ('base/1/1245/32683',
+         * 'base/1/1245/32683', ...) [options]
+         */

Please update these comments as we fetch one file at a time.

+            SCONST                            { $$ = (Node *)
makeString($1); }
+            ;

Instead of having this rule with only one constant terminal, we can use
SCONST directly in backup_files_list. However, I don't see any issue with
this approach either, just trying to reduce the rules.

Please indent code within 80 char limit at all applicable places.

Please fix following typos:

identifing => identifying
optionaly => optionally
structre => structure
progrsss => progress
Retrive => Retrieve
direcotries => directories


The other mail thread related to backup manifest [1], is creating a
backup_manifest file and sends that to the client which has optional
checksum and other details including filename, file size, mtime, etc.
There is a patch on the same thread which is then validating the backup too.

Since this patch too gets a file list from the server and has similar
details (except checksum), can somehow parallel backup use the
infrastructure from that patch?

When the parallel backup is in use, will there be a backup_manifest file
created too? I am just visualizing what will be the scenario when both these
features are checked-in.


> --
> Asif Rehman
> Highgo Software (Canada/China/Pakistan)
> URL : www.highgo.ca
Jeevan Chalke
Associate Database Architect & Team Lead, Product Development
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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