On Tue, 2019-11-19 at 15:35 -0700, Michael Lewis wrote:
> To mitigate the need for per-table tuning of autovacuum configuration, I'd 
> like to propose a new GUC for autovacuum_vacuum_threshold_max.
> Currently, it seems that I can either set autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor much 
> smaller than default on tables with millions of rows,
> or set a value globally that means small tables are auto vacuumed rarely.
> The default value for this new setting value could be -1 or 0 to disable the 
> feature, or something like 100,000 perhaps
> so that tables with more than 500,0000 tuples are candidates for an 
> autovacuum before they would with current default values.
I think this is unnecessary.
Usually you have problems only with a few tables, and it is no problem
to set autovacuum parameters on these individually.

Laurenz Albe

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