Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> On 9/20/19 6:17 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Dromedary is running the last release of macOS that supports 32-bit
>> hardware, so if we decide to kick that to the curb, I'd either shut
>> down the box or put some newer Linux or BSD variant on it.

> Well, nightjar is on FBSD 9.0 which is oldish. I can replace it before
> long with an 11-stable instance if that's appropriate.

FYI, I've installed FreeBSD 12.0/i386 on that machine and it's
now running buildfarm member florican, using clang with -msse2
(a configuration we had no buildfarm coverage of before, AFAIK).

I can still boot the macOS installation if anyone is interested
in specific tests in that environment, but I don't intend to run
dromedary on a regular basis anymore.

                        regards, tom lane

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