---- On Wed, 04 Sep 2019 00:56:15 +0800 Alvaro Herrera 
<mailto:alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote ----

On 2019-Aug-02, Shawn Wang wrote: 

> Hi Antonin, 

> It is very glad to see the new patch. I used the public patches a long time 
> ago. 

> I did some tests like the stream replication, much data running, temporary 
> files encryption. 

> I found that there is an issue in the src/backend/storage/file/encryption.c. 
> You should put block_size = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx); under the #ifdef 

> There is some problem to merge your patches to the latest kernel in the 
> pg_ctl.c. 

Is a new, fixed version going to be posted soon?  It's been a while. 

Also, apologies if this has been asked before, but: how does this patch 

relate to the stuff being discussed in 

https://postgr.es/m/031401d3f41d$5c70ed90$1552c8b0$@lab.ntt.co.jp ? 

Hi Álvaro,

Thank you for a reply.

I mainly said that the issues in the src/backend/storage/file/encryption.c. If 
somebody want to use these patches, I think Antonin need to fix it.

It does not relate to the stuff being discussed in TDE. As I know, some company 
use these patches to encrypt data, even if these issues don't matter.



Shawn Wang

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