> 30 авг. 2019 г., в 3:47, Alexander Korotkov <a.korot...@postgrespro.ru> > написал(а): > > 1) Binary search in non-leaf pages instead of probing each key is much faster.
That's a neat idea, but key union breaks ordering, even for z-order. for two sets of tuples X and Y if for any i,o from N, Xi < Yo does not guaranty union(X) < union (Y) For example consider this z-ordered keyspace (picture attached) union(5, 9) is z-order-smaller than union(4,4) I'm not even sure we can use sorted search for choosing subtree for insertion. How do you think, should I supply GiST-build patch with docs and tests and add it to CF? Or do we need more design discussion before? Best regards, Andrey Borodin.