On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 11:13:27AM -0400, Joe Conway wrote:
> SECCOMP ("SECure COMPuting with filters") is a Linux kernel syscall
> filtering mechanism which allows reduction of the kernel attack surface
> by preventing (or at least audit logging) normally unused syscalls.
> Quoting from this link:
> https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/prctl/seccomp_filter.txt
>    "A large number of system calls are exposed to every userland process
>     with many of them going unused for the entire lifetime of the
>     process. As system calls change and mature, bugs are found and
>     eradicated. A certain subset of userland applications benefit by
>     having a reduced set of available system calls. The resulting set
>     reduces the total kernel surface exposed to the application. System
>     call filtering is meant for use with those applications."
> Recent security best-practices recommend, and certain highly
> security-conscious organizations are beginning to require, that SECCOMP
> be used to the extent possible. The major web browsers, container
> runtime engines, and systemd are all examples of software that already
> support seccomp.


Are the seccomp interfaces for other kernels arranged in a manner
similar enough to have a unified interface in PostgreSQL, or is this
more of a Linux-only feature?

David Fetter <david(at)fetter(dot)org> http://fetter.org/
Phone: +1 415 235 3778

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