Hello Dmitry,

Well, it could be added?

While doing benchmarking using different tools, including pgbench, I found it
useful as a temporary hack to add copy freeze and maintenance_work_mem options
(the last one not as an env variable, just as a set before, although not sure
if it's a best idea). Is it similar to what you were talking about?

About this patch:

Concerning the --maintenance... option, ISTM that there could rather be a generic way to provide "set" settings, not a specific option for a specific parameter with a specific unit. Moreover, ISTM that it only needs to be set once on a connection, not per command. I'd suggest something like:

  --connection-initialization '...'

That would be issue when a connection is started, for any query, then the effect would be achieved with:

  pgbench --conn…-init… "SET maintenance_work_main TO '12MB'" ...

The --help does not say that the option expects a parameter.

Also, in you patch it is a initialization option, but the code does not check for that.

Concerning the freeze option:

It is also a initialization-specific option that should be checked for that.

The option does not make sense if

The alternative queries could be managed simply without intermediate variables.

Pgbench documentation is not updated.

There are no tests.

This patch should be submitted in its own thread to help manage it in the CF app.


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