On 2019-Jul-31, Amit Langote wrote:

> Hello,
> I noticed that the patch is still marked as "Waiting on Author" ever
> since Shawn set it that way on June 17.  Since Hosoya-san posted
> updated patches on June 27, the status should've been changed to
> "Needs Review".  Or maybe "Ready for Committer", because the last time
> I looked, at least the default partition pruning issue seems to be
> sufficiently taken care of by the latest patch.  Whether or not we
> should apply the other patch (more aggressive use of constraint
> exclusion by partprune.c on partitioned partitions), I'm not sure, but
> maybe a committer can decide in an instant. :)

Thanks for the status update.  I intend to get this patch pushed before
the next set of minors.

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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