Thanks Arthur! I guess there is not other solution? I tried to create a
function to loop through all the distance but its very slow.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019, Arthur Zakirov <> wrote:

> Hello,
> On 23.07.2019 09:55, Wh isere wrote:
>> Is this possible with the current websearch_to_tsquery function?
>> Thanks.
>>     Hello everyone, I am wondering if
>>     AROUND(N) or <N, M> is still possible? I found this thread below and
>>     the original post
>>     mentioned the proposed feature: 'New operator AROUND(N). It matches
>>     if the distance between words(or maybe phrases) is less than or
>>     equal to N.'
>>     currently in tsquery_phrase(query1 tsquery, query2 tsquery, distance
>>     integer) the distaince is searching a fixed distance, is there way to
>>     search maximum distance so the search returns query1 followed by
>>     query2 up
>>     to a certain distance? like the AROUND(N) or <N, M> mentioned in the
>>     thread?
> As far as I know AROUND(N) and <N, M> weren't committed, unfortunately.
> And so you can search only using a fixed distance currently.
> websearch_to_tsquery() can't help here. It just transforms search pattern
> with OR, AND statements into tsquery syntax.
> --
> Arthur Zakirov
> Postgres Professional:
> Russian Postgres Company

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