Hello David,

About v3. Applies, compiles, global & local make check are ok. doc gen ok.

I'd put the commands in alphabetical order (echo, qecho, warn) instead of
e/w/q in the condition.


Cannot see it:

  + else if (strcmp(cmd, "echo") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "warn") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, 
"qecho") == 0)

The -n trick does not appear in the help lines, ISTM that it could fit, so
maybe it could be added, possibly something like:

 \echo [-n] [TEXT]  write string to stdout, possibly without trailing newline

and same for \warn and \qecho?

Makes sense, but I put it there just for \echo to keep lines short.

I think that putting together the 3 echo variants help makes sense, but maybe someone will object about breaking the abc order.

How might we test this portably?

Hmmm... TAP tests are expected to be portable. Attached a simple POC, which
could be extended to test many more things which are currently out of
coverage (src/bin/psql stuff is covered around 40% only).

Thanks for putting this together. I've added this test, and agree that
increasing coverage is important for another patch.



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