On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 6:22 PM Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
>  -                       my $iaddr = inet_aton($test_localhost);
> +                       my $iaddr = inet_aton('');

This causes make check-world to deliver a flurry of pop-ups from
macOS's built-in Firewall asking if perl should be allowed to listen
to all interfaces (well I didn't catch the exact message, but that's
probably the drift).  Not sure if they'd go away permanently if I
managed to click OK before they disappear, but it's fun trying.  The
silly firewall facility is not actually enabled by default on this OS,
but unfortunately this company-issued machine has it forced to on.
This isn't really an objection to the code, it's more of a bemused
anecdote about a computer that can't decide whether it's a Unix
workstation or a Fisher Price My First Computer.

Thomas Munro

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