On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 3:29 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> What I get for test cases like [1] is
> single-partition SELECT, hash partitioning:
> N       tps, HEAD       tps, patch
> 2       11426.243754    11448.615193
> 8       11254.833267    11374.278861
> 32      11288.329114    11371.942425
> 128     11222.329256    11185.845258
> 512     11001.177137    10572.917288
> 1024    10612.456470    9834.172965
> 4096    8819.110195     7021.864625
> 8192    7372.611355     5276.130161
> single-partition SELECT, range partitioning:
> N       tps, HEAD       tps, patch
> 2       11037.855338    11153.595860
> 8       11085.218022    11019.132341
> 32      10994.348207    10935.719951
> 128     10884.417324    10532.685237
> 512     10635.583411    9578.108915
> 1024    10407.286414    8689.585136
> 4096    8361.463829     5139.084405
> 8192    7075.880701     3442.542768

I have difficulty interpreting these results in any way other than as
an endorsement of the approach that I took.  It seems like you're
proposing to throw away what is really a pretty substantial amount of
performance basically so that the code will look more like you think
it should look.  But I dispute the idea that the current code is so
bad that we need to do this.  I don't think that's the case.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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